

Hey there,

I’m Tien!

I’m currently a Senior Software Engineer at DraftKings.

I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities on December 2020.

During my college career, I have worked with Dr. Stephen J. Guy in Applied Motion Lab, where we developed a deep learning model to categorize legitimate and voluntary smiles from videos.

I also worked with Professor Aaron Kerlin in Kerlin Lab as a software developer, developing deep learning projects using DeepLabCut.

In summer 2020, I interned at Veritas as a DevOps developer. My team worked on integrating Google’s AddressSanitizer to build and test pipeline of NetBackup. This tool is now being used in production to automatically detect memory-related issues.

I am also a teaching assistant in the Computer Science department for Machine Architecture and Organization.

An updated version of my resume can be found here

I also earned a Computer Vision Nanodegree from Udacity, check it out here.

Want to get in touch?

Find me on Github.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Email me at tiendinhphuc@gmail.com.